+91 9422307200, | 8830708604 GULTEKDI NURSING HOME 473, 31 B next to Suyog Centre Opposite Shankar Society, Pune 411037 | drshamsi@hotmail.com


Incontinence Surgery

The most frequent procedure used to address urinary stress incontinence is sling surgery. When certain emotions or actions, such as coughing, sneezing, or lifting, exert pressure on your bladder and cause you to pee a bit, this is called nocturia. A “sling” is made out of mesh or human tissue by the surgeon.

Sling surgery showed a greater success rate for overall urine incontinence two years after surgery, with 47 percent of sling surgery patients reporting overall success compared to 38 percent of Burch colposuspension patients.

Urologist in Camp